An Agreement Reached by Making Concession Is Called

When two parties come together to reach an agreement, they often have to make concessions. These concessions are crucial to reaching a compromise that both parties can be happy with. The agreement that is eventually reached is known as a concession agreement.

A concession agreement is a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms of the agreement reached between two parties. It is an agreement that has been reached through negotiation, where both parties have had to give up something in order to reach a compromise.

Concession agreements can range from simple to complex. They can be reached between individuals, companies, or even between countries. The content of the agreement will depend on the nature of the negotiations and the parties involved.

The process of reaching a concession agreement can be challenging. Each party may have their own agenda and goals that they wish to achieve. However, by making concessions, each party can ultimately achieve their desired outcome.

The key element of a concession agreement is compromise. Both parties must be willing to give up something in order to reach a mutually beneficial outcome. This could mean compromising on certain terms, such as financial compensation, resources, or even deadlines.

When drafting a concession agreement, it’s important to include clear language that outlines the terms of the agreement and the obligations of each party. It’s also important to include provisions for dispute resolution, should any issues arise in the future.

In conclusion, a concession agreement is a legal agreement reached between two parties through negotiation and compromise. Both parties must be willing to give up something in order to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. When drafting a concession agreement, it’s important to include clear language and provisions for dispute resolution.

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