Fsc Standardised Outsourcing Agreement

6.2.1 The specificity of these agreements always depends on the particular facts of the case. These less detailed agreements may be appropriate, for example, where there is a comprehensive framework agreement between the registered person and the service providers, providing robust and enforceable procedures for concluding certain outsourcing contracts in accordance with the service level agreements. However, the registered person must verify that the documents relating to the agreements adequately protect the interests of his client and meet all other relevant legal and regulatory requirements. A.14 For the purposes of risk weighting, short-term assessments are considered to be issue-specific. They can only be used to deduct risk weights for the fees arising from the assessed investment. They cannot be generalized to other short-term receivables unless they follow in relation to short-term interbank receivables under Option 2 of the tripartite group`s standardized approach to credit risk: gold. Gold has a risk weight of 0%. However, the net gold position is subject to a market risk tax which, for the standardised approach, corresponds overall to a 100% weight for the net position. 5.2.4 The JFSC has also explicitly excluded certain types of activities from the scope of the outsourcing guidelines and guidelines in Part III 3.2 .2 (i.e. the provision of standardized consulting and services, etc.). A.4 The table of credit ratings recognized by the OECEs on risk weightings is presented in Tables 1-2 for the standardized approach and in Tables 3 and 4 for securitizations according to the standardized approach. Table 5 shows the allocation of OEEC ratings to risk weights for mutual funds.

3.15.3 The agreement to report a net counterparty commitment in reaner transactions under an existing bilateral clearing agreement is as follows: F.3 The framework applies to bank portfolio commitments under a standardized approach. The comprehensive approach to security processing is also used to calculate counterparty risk charges for OTC derivatives and credit transactions issued in the trading portfolio. The JFSC does not expect elements of a corporation to mutually fulfill the duty of care or enter into binding legal agreements. In addition, the JFSC recognizes that elements of a corporation may leave each other when implementing compliance control and due diligence; Implementation of guidelines and procedures; and other activities (which would be an outsourced activity, with the exception of the deductible covered in paragraph D.2.3 Other financial firms (including insurance companies) that, using a standardized approach, are eligible for a 20% risk weight; Purchasing standardized services, including market information services and providing price benefits. 1.9.1 Securities Repository – Where the reporting institution has sold securities under repurchase agreements, the securities sold should continue to be treated as assets with a capital requirement for credit risk on securities; A registered person must have written agreements with all service providers to whom they relocate activities that clearly indicate the terms of the commitment and the level of services to be provided by the service provider. 4.3.4 If the service provider is a unit within the same group as the registered person, which provides specialized centralized support functions to companies in the same group, the JFSC`s expectation of “appropriate written agreements” cannot constitute a legally binding written agreement covering the specifics of outsourcing in detail, as would otherwise be necessary.

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