Dialog Tentang Expressing Agreement And Disagreement

From this dialogue, we can conclude that Ratna……… A. Disagreement B. Anger C. Danger D. ILL A: Hey, have you heard of two strangers who were caught playing in Bali? (Hey, kamu sudah dengar belum tentang dua orang asing tertangkap berjudi di Bali?) These expressions of concordance and disagreement are for short English interview are: www.english-at-home.com/speaking/agreeing-in-english www.allenglish.org/Activities/activities-agreedisagreeidentifyanswers.html The appropriate expression to complete the dialogue is …. one. I do not agree with B at all. I can`t contradict C. I`m never your D. I agree with you: I am not sure I agree with you in this way. We`ll see this week.

How about watching it together in my house? (Aku tidak yakin jika aku setuju denganmu tentang itu. Ayo lihat di minggu ini. Bagaimana jika menonton pertandingannya bersama di rumahku?). DGLimages Ilustrasi berkumpul bersama temanContoh dialog 4 orangAndy: I received this book from my father. It really helps me in Mathematics. Zaki: Oh, that book? I also have one at home. Sam: Really? I bought it last week. That`s my friend`s recommendation. Zaki: Yes. My cousin gave it to me last month. It has a lot of tips and tricks that help me solve problems faster.

Sam: Yes, absolutely! Aldo: Let me see, Andy. (Andy lent his book) Sam: I think it`s a great book, because some of me are hard to understand. Zaki: You`re right. It`s better than the book I borrowed from our library. Aldo: I don`t think so. I learned almost every chapter in the library book. The content is almost identical. Andy: You might be right, the content is almost all the same, but there are a few tips and tricks that are very useful. Zaki: Yes, I agree with Andy. Maybe because I also prefer the style of language in this book, so the one in the library is not really interesting. Aldo: Oh, I see.

I just slimmed down, so I drew quick conclusions. Arti Andi: Saya berpikir untuk menghabiskan liburan kami di pegunungan. Bibo: Saya juga berpikir begitu! Andi: Saya pikir itu bisa terjadi sekitar bulan September. Bibo: Saya tidak yakin tentang itu! Saat itu mungkin sedikit terlalu dingin bagi sebagian orang untuk pergi ke sana pada bulan September. Andi: Benarkah? Hmm, saya tidak punya cukup informasi tentang gunung ini. Bibo: Bagaimana dengan akhir April? Cuaca di bulan April bagus, bukan? Andi: Ya, tentu saja, itu akan lebih baik.

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